After tense negotiations with my friend L., I am reviving the blog so that she will
do her damn exercises. Take
that, L.'s medical problem!
I can't find the cache of items that I wrote for the blog without posting them, so I'm going to wing it. Look out below!
Life is strange lately. My neurochemicals have been out of whack. They are re-entering Whack, thanks to the free passport that comes as a bonus in
each and every prescription vial of
Nutty NeuroTransmitterz.
As someone who generally lives in her own head, I have found that contact with a few loving friends for one morning each week has been of great help. So has taking care of my new pooch, whom I shall refer to as Alter. Were he a cocker spaniel, he would, of course, be Alter Cocker. (I think Google now translates Yiddish, if that's any help.)
The first offspring is doing very well in her last year of her baccalaureate program. The second is doing well at his college so far, far away after a period of adjustment. I wish that I had gone to college farther from my parents, so that I would have had to rely on, and develop, my own resources, and learn to ask for help from people outside my family. That was not to be, however. That's just one of the disadvantages of having been a fearful young squirt when I started higher ed.
My dear husband, the pseudonymous Mr. Martin, is doing well, though wishing he could retire soon. I sympathize. I wish
I could retire soon. As an alternative, I will work toward getting a better job that uses my strengths.
Go ahead and do your prescribed exercises, L. They'll help if you do them regularly.
Your pal,
Dr. Beads
Labels: Taking dictation from my sleepy frontal cortex